Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
This website,, is owned and managed solely by its author, Jeffrey M. Kunka, Ph.D. It was created as a subdomain of my website ( for the purpose of distributing this cross-platform (Windows/macOS) computer version of the Halstead Category Test, dubbed NewCat for simplicity and consistency with the URL of my main website (established in 2003). Contact information is provided further below.
Can the preview (demo) version of NewCat be downloaded anonymously? Yes. Because it displays only the first two subtests—sufficient for a qualified user to evaluate its features without compromising the security of the test—you are not required to submit any personal information in order to download the preview version of the test. However, you are required to affirm that you agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA) displayed on the download page. Credentialed clinicians, psychology students, and other other interested persons may examine the preview version in order to understand better the principles that underlie the Halstead Category Test as a measure of cognitive functioning. However, whereas sharing a link to this website is permitted, the application itself is copyrighted and may not be redistributed in any manner—including, but not limited to, uploading it to the internet, sharing it via any digital storage device, etc., whether or not for profit—without the explicit permission the the author.
Must personal information be disclosed when purchasing a license to unlock the full test? Full access to NewCat does indeed require the disclosure of some personal information, as follows:
(1) User Qualifications. The American Psychological Association and allied organizations specify that access to certain psychological tests be restricted to clinicians qualified by training and experience to employ and interpret such tests, as well as to graduate students and post-grads in training under the supervision of a qualified clinician. The convention among test publishers is to require documentation of these qualifications prior to purchase. Consequently, as a condition of purchasing a NewCat license that unlocks the full test, you must agree to complete a brief Qualifications form from the Purchase page of this website to affirm your professional credentials. This form will be retained to document that I have exercised due diligence in complying with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. (I assume no liability for any misuse in the administration, interpretation, or distribution of the test.) This information will be held in strict confidence and will be used for no other purpose. (If after completing this form you decide not to purchase the test, please contact me via email and I will delete that form.)
(2) Purchase Information. Submitting the Qualifications form will open the page of this website where the purchase of a NewCat license can be completed. Payments are processed by secure third-party vendor, which serves as the legal Merchant of Record and handles all details regarding the transaction. The personal and financial information required to process the purchase are transmitted directly to the server. I have no access whatsoever to the payment information that you provide. When a payment is processed, I will be informed only of the name and email address of the purchaser.
Does this website employ cookies? The author of this website installs no cookies on your computer or mobile device. WordPress — used to deliver the web pages — may employ temporary cookies in order to format the page display properly for your device during the current session. If you purchase a registration key to unlock the full test, the third-party payment service may install one or more cookies, over which I have no control and to which I have no access.
What about email contact information? If you email me with a question or comment—either directly or via the Contact page—it is necessary that you include a return email address in order for me to email a confidential reply. This information will never be shared with any third party. When submitting the Qualifications form to purchase a NewCat license, there is an opt-in checkbox to indicate whether or not you wish to be added to a private mailing list maintained solely in order to alert licensed users in case an updated version of NewCat becomes available. This is the only case in which an unsolicited email will be sent. Your email address never will be shared with any third party.
About the confidentiality of test information. NewCat generates and stores its test reports solely on your computer. Unlike some commercial tests, it does not upload any test information to a remote server. Consequently, all information identifying your client when the test is administered is contained only in the PDF file saved to your Documents folder. It is recommended that you exercise the same security practices with these report files as with any client information stored on your computer.
Other questions? You are welcome to employ the form on the website Contact page or to email me directly by typing the following address dedicated to this website into your preferred email program: